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Channel letter signs 


Channel letter signs 

Some signs do a better job sending a message than others. Channel letter signs are perhaps one of the most effective at drawing people’s attention from a distance both day and night. These backlit letters act as a great branding tool, capable of identifying a store from far away and drawing people to your door.

Signs House One is the number one choice for channel letter signs, capable of crafting 3-dimensional lighted signs visible throughout New York. If you’re ready to start your order, make sure you fill out our Request a Quote form today!

TYPES OF Channel letter signs 

How Businesses Across NYC Use Channel Letters

Nearly all major corporations use channel letters in some way because channel letters – unlike many other types of signs – are one of the easiest to read from any distance and provide backlit lighting so that your business name can be seen both during the day and at night.


Every lighted letter can be customized with the right font or colors so that it still represents the brand you’re trying to put forward. Yet compared to other large signs, these backlit letters also ensure that no matter the weather, lighting, or direction you see the sign, you can always make out the letters and words.


It’s because of the way these channel letters are able to capture attention that you’ll find companies use them for a variety of purposes:

  • Company Name – These signs are most commonly used as a way to advertise the store name. Most major companies use channel letters to craft signs that tell others where their store is located, and are especially useful if your store has become a well-known brand.

  • Company Services/Products – Many others use these signs to advertise their products, like “BAGELS,” “PHARMACY” or “PIZZA.” When your brand isn’t as well known or you are trying to compete for business from those that walk by, channel letters for your products or services can be a great way to capture people’s attention.


Illuminated sign letters make it far easier to get noticed in NYC, and when they’re customized according to your brand and products, they have the potential to draw in both short and long term business.

Types of Channel Letters

Channel letters can be customized to essentially any typeface or design. This makes them a surprisingly versatile product for storefront displays. They also come in many different styles, including:

  • LED Channel Letters

  • Neon Letters for Stores

  • Open Face Neon Letters

  • Backlit Letters

  • Retrofit LEDs

  • Halo Effect Channel Letters

  • Lighted Letters, and More


Both LED and neon channel letters are popular, though many companies are doing a neon to LED conversion because of the long term energy savings and longevity. The lighting of the letter can also be backlit (for those that have a darker design they want to silhouette against the light) or illuminated, where the entire letter lights up against the night sky. Because Signs House is a custom sign fabricator in NY, other forms of customization may be possible as well.

Requirements and Considerations for Channel Letter Signs

Signs House One is a custom sign company on Long Island serving Manhattan, the Bronx, Queens, Staten Island, and all throughout New York, New Jersey, and abroad. We are capable of crafting signs of almost any shape and style, limited only by your imagination.


As you design your own channel letter sign, take into consideration the size and space you have available, as well as the typeface and type of lighting. We can craft custom signs in almost any shape and style.


If you have any questions about your specific sign type, please contact Signs House One today and we’re happy to discuss the different options.

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